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Introduction of the DeanChair Professor Chen, Yinghuei

Chen, Yinghuei, Professor &Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences &Dean, International College
◎ Tel :  (04)2332-3456#6500


◎ T-portfolio


PhD in English Literature, University of Maryland/College Park , U.S.A.
MA in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University
BA in English, National Taiwan Normal University

  Work Experience

  1. Deputy Dean, International College, Asia University
  2. Director General, Center for General Education, China University of Technology
  3. Dean, College of Humanities and Management, Fooyin University
  4. Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Fooyin University
  5. Chair, Department of Western Languages and Literature, National University of Kaohsiung
  6. Dean, College of Foreign Languages, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
  7. Chair, Department of English, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
  8. Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun Yat-sen University

  Research Fields & Interests

Victorian Literature, The English Novel, Cultural Studies, Business English, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Material Writer

◎ Research Publications

  • Journal Articles
  1. 陳英輝。2020。Ilza Mayuni(Ilza Mayuni)、Eva Leiliyan(Eva Leiliyanti)、Noni Agustin(Noni Agustina)、Vera Yuliant(Vera Yulianti)、School Literacy Movement and Its Implications towards Students’ Learning: A Comparative Case Study in Jakarta and Taiwan, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
  2. Yinghuei Chen. 2019. “Is There a Feminist Text in Jane Eyre?--A Reappraisal.” Journal of Literature and Art Studies, Vol.9 (1): 1450-1459
  3. Yinghuei Chen. 2017. “The Limitation and Development of Elizabeth Gaskell’s Social Vision”. Journal of Literature and Art Studies Vol.7 (5):489-499.
  4. 陳英輝 (Yinghuei, Chen). Mar 2015. “The Analytical Approach and Realism in George Eliot .”國立彰化師範大學文學院學報 , Vol. 11: 1-14.
  5. Yinghuei Chen. July 2012. “ESP development in Taiwan: an overview” TESOL International Newsletter.
  6. Yinghuei Chen. 2011. “The institutional turn and the crisis of ESP pedagogy in Taiwan.” Taiwan International ESP Journal 3 (1) : 17-30
  7. 陳英輝。2011。〈由「同理心的語言」談技職校院的「國際通識教育」〉《通識在線》。32。
  8. 陳英輝。2010。〈共創技職通識教育願景〉《通識在線》。29。
  9. 陳英輝。2009。〈由專業英語文教育及證照制度看「技職教育再造方案」─回應許士軍教授「傳統系所組織已不合時宜」〉。Career English。30:60-63。
  10. 陳英輝 & 王星威。 2008。〈英語全球在地化趨勢-兼論高雄世運專案型的國際服務系統〉。《城市發展 City Development》。第六期:38-57。
  11. 陳英輝 & 余淑芬,譯。2008。〈以文體類型為本的教學暨專業英語文課程設計〉。“Genre-based teaching and ESP course design” (by Brian Paltridge)。 Career English。28:18-25。
  12. 陳英輝 & 甯耀南。2008。 〈各國語言政策與區域研究中心〉。Career English。 27:28-37。
  13. 陳英輝。2008。〈全球化時代英語的未來〉。Career English。 27:20-27。
  • Conference Papers
  1. CHEN YINGHUEI, What Could We English Teachers Learn from Kazuo Ishiguro? , 2019 International Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences(IC, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  2. CHEN YINGHUEI, Connecting Literature with Innovation and Leadership, a Journey of Exploration Starting with The Little Prince , Bali, Indonesia
  3. Yinghuei Chen. Oct. 2016. "EMI and its Discontents" National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan: 2016 EMI Practices in Higher Education Conference.
  4. Yinghuei Chen. Oct. 2016. "Repositioning English departments in Taiwan’s higher education" Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan: 2016 International Conference and Workshop on English for Specific Purposes.
  5. Yinghuei Chen.Oct.2016. "Internship as a Gateway to the World and the Industry" Bandung, Indonesia: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia.
  6. Yinghuei Chen. (April 23-24, 2016). "ESP Teaching in the Age of Educational Technology." Shih Chien University, Taipei: International Conference on English Education
  7. Yinghuei Chen. (March 26-29, 2014). “ESP in the IEP: Addressing Specific Needs.” TESOL 2014 International Convention, Portland, Oregon USA
  8. Yinghuei Chen. (March 26-29, 2014). “Faculty Voices on Teaching Through English as a Foreign Language.” TESOL 2014 International Convention & English Language Expo, Portland, Oregon, USA
  9. Yinghuei Chen. 2013. “ESP Pedagogy in Taiwan: Conflict, collaboration, and transformation” English for Specific Purposes Interest Section Academic Session TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo
  10. Yinghuei Chen. 2013. “An ESP Classroom with a Textbook” 2013 TESOL International Convention
  11. Yinghuei Chen. 2013. “Creating a Harmonious ESP Classroom with a Textbook” TESOL2013 TESOL ESP IS-IATEFL ESP-SIG Intersection
  12. Yinghuei Chen. 2011. “Critical Reevaluation of ESP Curricula and approaches in Asia.” New Orleans, USA: The 45th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit
  13. Yinghuei Chen. 2011. “The Institutional Turn and the Crisis of ESP Pedagogy in Taiwan.” New Orleans, USA: 45th TESOL Convention.
  14. Yinghuei Chen. 2010. “ESP: Course Design and Implication. “National Chiayi Univ., Taiwan: 2010 International Conference on Applied Linguistics.
  15. Yinghuei Chen. 2010. “Effective Practices in ESP Instruction: The Asian Context.” Boston, USA: The 44th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit
  16. Yinghuei Chen. 2009. “Restructuring English Education for Technical & Vocational Colleges with Special Focus on ESP and the English Proficiency
  • Thesis and Books
  1. Yinghuei Chen. Oct. 2016. "EMI and its Discontents" National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan: 2016 EMI Practices in Higher Education Conference.
  2. Yinghuei Chen. Oct. 2016. "Repositioning English departments in Taiwan’s higher education" Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan, Taiwan: 2016 International Conference and Workshop on English for Specific Purposes.
  3. Yinghuei Chen.Oct.2016. "Internship as a Gateway to the World and the Industry" Bandung, Indonesia: Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia.
  4. Yinghuei Chen. (April 23-24, 2016). "ESP Teaching in the Age of Educational Technology." Shih Chien University, Taipei: International Conference on English Education
  5. Yinghuei Chen. (March 26-29, 2014). “ESP in the IEP: Addressing Specific Needs.” TESOL 2014 International Convention, Portland, Oregon USA
  6. Yinghuei Chen. (March 26-29, 2014). “Faculty Voices on Teaching Through English as a Foreign Language.” TESOL 2014 International Convention & English Language Expo, Portland, Oregon, USA
  7. Yinghuei Chen. 2013. “ESP Pedagogy in Taiwan: Conflict, collaboration, and transformation” English for Specific Purposes Interest Section Academic Session TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo
  8. Yinghuei Chen. 2013. “An ESP Classroom with a Textbook” 2013 TESOL International Convention
  9. Yinghuei Chen. 2013. “Creating a Harmonious ESP Classroom with a Textbook” TESOL2013 TESOL ESP IS-IATEFL ESP-SIG Intersection
  10. Yinghuei Chen. 2011. “Critical Reevaluation of ESP Curricula and approaches in Asia.” New Orleans, USA: The 45th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit
  11. Yinghuei Chen. 2011. “The Institutional Turn and the Crisis of ESP Pedagogy in Taiwan.” New Orleans, USA: 45th TESOL Convention.
  12. Yinghuei Chen. 2010. “ESP: Course Design and Implication. “National Chiayi Univ., Taiwan: 2010 International Conference on Applied Linguistics.
  13. Yinghuei Chen. 2010. “Effective Practices in ESP Instruction: The Asian Context.” Boston, USA: The 44th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit
  14. Yinghuei Chen. 2009. “Restructuring English Education for Technical & Vocational Colleges with Special Focus on ESP and the English Proficiency Certification.” Wuhan, China: 2009 International Symposium on ESP and Its Teaching
  15. Yinghuei Chen. 2008. “Primary Innovation In-Country Research: A Study of Mixed Classroom Ability and Remedial Teaching in Primary Schools in Taiwan.” Bangkok, ThailandPrimary Innovation Regional Seminar
  16. 陳英輝。2005。〈通識教育課程如何結合現代化產業經營〉。台中:中臺科技大學全國技職校院通識教育課程發展會議暨觀摩會。
  17. Yinghuei Chen & Ching-Yi Tien. 2005. “The Use of English at Three Major Public Service Institutes in Kaohsiung City in Taiwan. ” 汶萊:The 10th English in South-east Asia Conference.
  18. 陳英輝。2005。 <ESP:應用外語科系的出路與展望>。台北:第十四屆中華民國英語文教學國際研討會。
  19. Yinghuei Chen. 2005. “ESPA Survival Option for Applied English Programs in Taiwan. ” 高雄:輔英科技大學2005年醫護專業英文國際學術研討會。
  20. Yinghuei Chen. 2003. “The “Unquiet Slumbers”: The Public and Private Past in The Remains of the Day.” 台北:中央研究院歐美研究所亞裔英美文學國際研討會。


◎ Honors

  1. TESOL ESP-IS Chair, 2012-15
  2. President, Taiwan ESP Association
  3. Consultant, Internationalization and English Enhancement Program, Ministry of Education (MOE)
  4. Commissioner & Coordinator, ESP Question Bank Program (English for Nursing and English for Hospitality), MOE
  5. Commissioner of the International Affairs Commission, Taichung City Government
  6. Reviewer, English Question Bank for National Exams, MOE
  7. Consultant, Education Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government
  8. Reviewer of Domestic and International Journals
  9. Editorial Board Member of Domestic and International Journals
  10.  A Fulbright scholar