The Department of Nursing and HTC Co-organizing the World's First "Generative AI Metaverse Curriculum Development " Workshop.

  • 2023-05-15
  • 人社院工讀生

    The Department of Nursing at Asia University is collaborating with HTC Medical VR to utilize the Virti AI virtual teaching case production platform. By incorporating generative AI technology, they are able to create metaverse training curricula. During the workshop, participating teachers can utilize ChatGPT generative AI to quickly generate script outlines for their teaching cases. They can then utilize features such as no-code voice interaction and other relevant actions to complete an AI-based interactive teaching case with a virtual patient within 30 minutes. This significantly accelerates the process of generating metaverse training curricula .

Professor Wu utilized the VIVE XR Elite headset to experience the results of AI virtual patient teaching case development.

    Professor Hua-Shan Wu, the Department Chair of Nursing, has stated that the School of Nursing has been fully engaged in metaverse teaching since 2021. After training, the faculty members have become seed teachers for Virti VR immersive teaching case development. This year, they have taken a step further by pioneering the integration of ChatGPT in developing virtual patients incorporated into nursing courses. By combining generative AI with the metaverse, they leverage OpenAI technology to accelerate the development of self-made teaching cases. This approach also allows for effective assessment of student learning behaviors and outcomes.

    Professor Wu stipulated that the purpose of this workshop is to allow participating faculty and students to gain in-depth understanding of how to utilize ChatGPT for rapid generation of teaching case content. They will also learn how to use the Virti AI virtual teaching case production platform to immediately develop their own AI-based virtual metaverse teaching cases, integrating them with VR interactive technology.

The teachers of the Nursing department formed groups to develop and present AI virtual patient metaverse teaching cases.

    Raymond Pao, Senior Vice President of Business Development of HTC Private Network and Vive Mars, stated that the Medical VR team will integrate the Virti AI virtual teaching case production platform with generative AI and the metaverse workshop. This collaboration aims to bring innovative breakthroughs to the field of education and training and address the challenges of integrating ChatGPT effectively into a curriculum.

    Teachers who participated in the workshop have asserted that their teaching case development speed has increased by 10 to 100 times after learning to use ChatGPT technology. Through the Virti platform, they can create their own AI-based interactive teaching cases with virtual patients in as little as 30 minutes, significantly saving time and effort while leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT. Furthermore, the Virti platform offers a new teaching mode that utilizes natural language processing (NLP) technology to effectively guide students in interactive assessments with virtual patients. This enables students to better grasp the knowledge learned and improve their communication skills in healthcare settings.

"Generative AI Metaverse Curriculum Development" Workshop. Department Chair Hua-Shan Wu (Fourth from the left, front row) with Director Lewis Chang, Director at HTC VIVE Medical VR (Fifth from the left. front row) and others took a group photo.

    Professor Wu also observed that in the future, there will be presentations and sharing sessions on the application of innovative technologies in nursing education, specifically focusing on the experiences and advancements in utilizing ChatGPT and the metaverse for teaching purposes.