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Vice Dean

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Introduction of the Vice Dean-Chair Professor Wen-Chi Wu
Wen-Chi Wu, Distinguished Professor&Vice Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences 
◎ Tel :  (04)2332-3456#1941


◎ T-portfolio


    Ph.D. in Adult and Higher Education, The University of South Dakota, U.S.A.
    M.A. in Teacher Education, Emporia State University , U.S.A.

  Work Experience

  1. Distinguished Professor,Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Asia University
  2. Chair,Department Of English,Providence University
  3. Professor,Department Of English,Providence University
  4. Director,Center For the Development Of Language Teaching And Research,Providence University
  5. Associate Professor,Department Of English,Providence University
  6. Assistant Professor ,Department Of English,Providence University
  7. Assistant Professor ,Department Of English, Chienkuo Technology University
  8. Assistant Professor ,Department Of English, National Chin-Yi University of Technology

  Research Fields & Interests

Academic Writing, Cross-Cultural Commuincation, Computer Assisted Language Learning (Call), Flipped Learning,Moocs,Mobile Assisted Language Learning-Mall,Robotics-Learning (R-Learning),Application Of Technology In English Instruction,Enhancing Fel Learning Throush Intercultural Communication,Teaching English As A Foreign Language Methodologies,Development With English Tool,Animation Apps

◎ Research Publications

  • Journal Articles
  1. 廖錦煌(Chin-Huang Daniel Liao)、吳文琪(Wen-Chi Vivian Wu)*、Venny Gunawan、張庭彰(Tin-Chang Chang), Using an Augmented-Reality Game-Based Application to Enhance English Learning and Motivation of Elementary EFL School Students: A Comparative Study in Rural and Urban Areas, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, vol.33 pp.307-319, 2024
  2. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)、Jie Chi Yang(Jie Chi Yang)*, Effects of flipped reading-writing constructivist instruction on EFL learners’ writing performance and intercultural sensitivity, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, vol.32 no.1 pp.123-139, 2023
  3. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Kinnosuke Manabe、Michael W. Marek、Yu Shu(Yu Shu)*, Enhancing 21st-Century Competencies via Virtual Reality Digital Content Creation, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, vol.55 no.3 pp.388-410, 2023
  4. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、林怡婷(I-Ting Lin)、陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)*, Ubiquitous English idiom learning through mobile applications: Learning outcomes, motivation, anxiety, and behavioral patterns, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, vol.32 pp.665-684, 2023
  5. 林瑞屏(Rae Ping Lin)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Exploring Multiliteracy of Pre-Service Language Teachers through Spherical Video-Based Virtual Reality, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.26 no.3 pp.101-114, 2023
  6. Michael Marek、Chiou Sheng Chew、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Teacher Experiences in Converting Classes to Distance Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, vol.19 no.1 pp.40-60, 2021
  7. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、林怡婷(I-Ting Doris Lin)、Michael W. Marek、歐陽芳泉(Fang-Chuan Ou Yang), Analysis of English Idiomatic Learning Behavior of an Audio Visual Mobile Application, SAGE Open, vol.11 no.2 pp.1-17, 2021
  8. 歐陽芳泉(Ou Yang, F.C.)、羅方吟、陳謝鈞、吳文琪*, Facilitating Communicative Ability of EFL Learners via High-Immersion Virtual Reality, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.23 no.1 pp.30-49, 2020
  9. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)、楊接期(Jie Chi Yang)*、山本敏幸(Tosh Yamamoto), Free from demotivation in EFL writing: The use of online flipped writing instruction, Computer Assisted Language Learning, vol.33 no.4 pp.353-387, 2020
  10. Chiou Sheng Chew、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Norisma Idris、Er Fu Loh、Yan Piaw Chua, Enhancing Summary Writing of ESL Learners via a Theory-Based Online Tool: System Development and Evaluation, JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH, vol.58 no.2 pp.398-432, 2020
  11. 歐陽芳泉(Ou Yang, F.C.)、吳文琪*、吳宜儒(Wu, Yi-ju), Using a Game-Based Mobile App to Enhance Vocabulary Acquisition for English Language Learners, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, vol.18 no.3 pp.1-24, 2020
  12. Michael Marek、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Establishing a “Standard Model” for CALL Instructional Design, International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, vol.10 no.3 pp.79-88, 2020
  13. Chiou Sheng Chew、Norisma Idris、Er Fu Loh、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Yan Piaw Chua、Andrew Bimba, The effects of a theory-based summary writing tool on students' summary writing, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING, vol.35 no.3 pp.435-449, 2019
  14. Gloria Shu-Mei Chwo、Michael Marek、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Meta-analysis of MALL research and design, SYSTEM, vol.74 pp.62-72, 2018
  15. Jun Chen Hsieh、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*、Michael M. Marek, Using the flipped classroom to enhance EFL learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning, vol.30 no.1-2 pp.1-21, 2017
  16. Ou Yang, F.C.、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Using Mixed-Modality Vocabulary Learning on Mobile Devices: Design and Evaluation, JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH, vol.54 no.8 pp.1043-1069, 2017
  17. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)、楊接期(Jie Chi Yang)*, Creating an online learning community in a flipped classroom to enhance EFL learners’ oral proficiency, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.20 no.2 pp.142-157, 2017
  18. 陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)、黃永銘(Yong-Ming Huang)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Technological acceptance of LINE in flipped EFL oral training, COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, vol.70 pp.178-190, 2017
  19. Shu-Mei Gloria Chwo、Michael W. Marek、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Curriculum Integration of MALL in L1/L2 Pedagogy: Perspectives on Research, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.19 no.2 pp.340-354, 2016
  20. Pei-HsunEmma Liu、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)*, Exploring the Effectivenessof LINE for EFL Vocabulary andReading, International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, vol.15 no.13 pp.71-83, 2016
  • Conference Papers
  1. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、王榮爵(Rong-Jyue Wang)、周宴安(Yan-An Enya Jou), Application of Educational Robots in the Elderly English Vocabulary Learning , International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning (ICALT 2020), Jul. 2020, Tartu, Estonia
  2. 羅方吟(Fang-ying Riva Lo)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、陳政煥(Cheng-Huan Chen)、陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh), Enhancing EFL College Students’ Language Performance via eBook Supported Learning , ICCE 2019, Dec. 2019, Taiwan/Kenting
  3. Chiou Sheng(Chiou Sheng CHEW)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Norisma IDR(Norisma IDRIS)、Er Fu LOHd(Er Fu LOHd), Improving summary writing performance via theory, based learning system - ICCE 2019, Dec. 2019, Taiwan/Kenting
  4. Yu-Chuan Jo(Yu-Chuan Joni Chao、Meei-Ling L(Meei-Ling Liaw)、Hsien-Chin(Hsien-Chin Liou)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Social interactions in CALL: exemplars and future directions , The XXth International CALL Research Conference, Jul. 2019, Hong Kong
  5. Yu-Chuan Jo(Yu-Chuan Joni Chao、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Embracing Mobile, Assisted English Learning in the Global World - International Conference on English Studies across and beyond Borders, May. 2019, Jalandhar, India
  6. Michael W.(Michael W. Marek)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Forging International EFL Learning Partnerships through Semester, long Study abroad Programs: A Case Study - The 36th International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning, May. 2019, Taichung, Taiwan
  7. Yu-Chuan Jo(Yu-Chuan Joni Chao、Meei-Ling L(Meei-Ling Liaw)、Hsien-Chin(Hsien-Chin Liou)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Border, Crossing Between Technology and ELT - The 36th International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning, May. 2019, Taichung, Taiwan
  8. Tomoya Ikez(Tomoya Ikezawa)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao)、Tosh Yamamo(Tosh Yamamoto), Moving from Critical Readers to Critical Thinkers: The use of online annotation tools and Concept Mapping to empower EFL learners in an EAP course , International Symposium on Evidence-Based Education through Learning Analytics 2019, Mar. 2019, Kyoto, Japan
  9. Yi-Ting Els(Yi-Ting Elsie Lee)、Rong-Jyue W(Rong-Jyue Wan)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Using the annotation, supported flipped instruction to enhance EFL learners’ EAP competencies - International Symposium on Evidence-Based Education through Learning Analytics 2019, Mar. 2019, Kyoto, Japan
  10. Sri Sudarsi(Sri Sudarsi)、Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Using online annotation tools to enhance EFL learners’ academic comprehension in an EAP course , International Symposium on Evidence-Based Education through Learning Analytics 2019, Mar. 2019, Kyoto, Japan
  11. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Ching-Huei(Ching-Huei CHEN)、Lu-Fang LIN(Lu-Fang LIN)、Lung-Hsiang(Lung-Hsiang WONG)、Tosh YAMAMO(Tosh YAMAMOTO), Designing an Innovative PBL Pedagogy to Empower Language Learners , ICCE 2018, Nov. 2018, Manila, the Philippines
  12. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Creating a Technology, Rich English Language Learning Environment to Enhance Language Learning and Teaching - ICCE 2018, Nov. 2018, Manila, the Philippines
  13. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Sri Sudarsi、Tomoya Ikezawa、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao)、Pei Chun April Chen, Comparison among GTM, CLT and Flipped Classroom for optimal grammar acquisition , ICCE 2018, Nov. 2018, Metro Manila, Philippines
  14. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、李奕婷(Yi Ting Lee)、Jie Chi Yang、Susy Marlyni Debataraja、Jun Scott Chen Hsieh, Adopting a PBL Approach to Empower EFL Learners , ICCE 2018, Nov. 2018, Metro Manila, Philippines
  15. Tosh Yamamo(Tosh Yamamoto)、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Meilun Shih(Meilun Shih)、Ju-Ling Shi(Ju-Ling Shih)、Hui-Chun Ch(Hui-Chun Chu), A Proposal for the Global & Collaborative PBL Learning Environment where all Global Members on Different Campuses are “on the same page” throughout the Process of the Project , The 2018 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2018), Nov. 2018, Taichung, Taiwan
  16. 陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)、李奕婷(Yi-Ting Elsie Lee)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Chi-Wen Che(Chi-Wen Chen), Using a game, based mobile app to enhance EFL learners’ vocabulary acquisition - PPTELL 2018, Oct. 2018, 台灣/國立師範大學
  17. 李奕婷(Yi-Ting Elsie Lee)、陳謝鈞(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Using a flipped PBL course to enhance EFL learners’ competence in Business English , 2018逢甲大學第六屆外語文教學國際學術研討會, Oct. 2018, 台灣
  18. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Re, designing EFL writing classes to equip Taiwanese learners to become better global citizens - CLoCALL 2018 Conference & 15th ChinaCALL Conference 2018, Aug. 2018, Suzhou, China
  19. I-Ting Doris Lin、Yu-Cheng Vincent Chou、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), The relationship between university students’ behavior and their learning efficiency via idiom, based mobile application: A sequential analysis - The XIXth International CALL Conference, Jul. 2018, Bruges, Belgium
  20. 廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao)、Tosh Yamamoto、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Yi-Ting Lee, Data Solicitation for PBL in Global Teams in Adaptive Learning , The XIXth International CALL Conference, Jul. 2018, Bruges, Belgium
  21. I-Ting Doris Lin、Yu-Cheng Vincent Chou、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), The impact of an innovative PBL course on students’ learning: perceptions of students and tutors , International Conference on English Teaching and Learning 2018, May. 2018, Hsinchu city, Taiwan
  22. Yu-Chuan Jo(Yu-Chuan Joni Chao、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Critical factors in the flipped classroom approach to EFL learning: From the perspectives of input and output , ESBB 2018 Conference and Symposium on English Academic Writing in a Global World, May. 2018, Toyama, Japan
  23. Yi-Ting Elsie Lee、Wen-Hui Emily Huang、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), ntegrating flipped classrooms into a PBL course to enhance university students’ knowledge and skills in business , ESBB 2018 Conference and Symposium on English Academic Writing in a Global World, May. 2018, Toyama, Japan
  24. Tosh Yamamoto、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Wu-Yuin Hwang、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao), Win, Win-Win Approach to Conflict Resolution Based on Tesseractive and Critical Thinking: Negotiation Practicum in PBL in Global Teams - The International Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2018), May. 2018, Sapporo, Japan: University of Hokkaido
  25. Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), The effects of presentation modes on mobile, assisted English idiom learning - 2018 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), Apr. 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
  26. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Tosh Yamamoto、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao), A PBL Approach Housed in the Social Constructivist Theory: Applied to the curriculum for Business Communication Courses , International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT2018), Apr. 2018, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
  27. I-Ting Doris Lin、Yu-Cheng Vincent Chou、Hsieh-Jun Chen、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Exploring the effectiveness of applying innovative PBL instruction to a business English communication class , Taiwan E-Learning Forum (TWELF 2018), Mar. 2018, Taichung city, Taiwan
  28. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Tosh Yamamoto、Cheng-Hao Hu、Rong-Jyue Wang, The Telexistence Robot combing with Virtual Reality for Teaching English , 25th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2017), Dec. 2017, Christchurch, New Zealand
  29. I-Ting Doris Lin、Jun Scott Chen Hsieh、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Yan-An Jou, An exploratory study of English idiom learning via mobile applications for college students in central Taiwan , National Computer Symposium 2017, Dec. 2017, National Computer Symposium 2017
  30. Tosh Yamamoto、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao), Proposing a New Phase of Liberal Arts Course Enhanced with Active Learning for PBL in the Social Constructivism Paradigm: Advanced Communication Based on Empathy & Trust Building , PNC 2017 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Nov. 2017, Tainan, Taiwan
  31. Tosh Yamamoto、廖岳祥(Anthony Y. H. Liao), The incubator course for the global learning environment from the KU campus to Asian Universities , The 4th International Workshop on Advanced E-learning (AEL2017), Aug. 2017, Pattaya, Thailand
  32. I-Ting Dori(I-Ting Doris Lin)、Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Ubiquitous English idiom learning via mobile applications , The XVIIIth International CALL Research Conference, Jul. 2017, USA
  33. Michael W. Marek、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Seeking a Standard Model for CALL , The XVIIIth International CALL Research Conference, Jul. 2017, Berkeley, University of California , USA
  34. Jun Scott Chen Hsieh、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Yan-An Jou, Flipping writing classrooms via constructivist telecollaboration to enhance cross, cultural sensitivity, critical thinking, and language learning - The XVIIIth International CALL Research Conference, Jul. 2017, Berkeley, University of California, USA
  35. Yan-An Jou、Jun Scott Chen Hsieh、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Using the Mobile App in the EFL Classroom to Facilitate Learners’ Oral Accuracy and Fluency , The XVIIIth International CALL Research Conference, Jul. 2017, Berkeley, University of California , USA
  36. I-Ting Doris Lin、Jun Scott Chen Hsieh、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Ubiquitous English idiom learning via mobile applications , The XVIIIth International CALL Research Conference, Jul. 2017, Berkeley, University of California , USA
  37. Feng?Lan Ku(Feng?Lan Kuo)、Shih?Min Ka(Shih?Min Kang)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Cheng?Hao H(Cheng?Hao Hu), Taiwanese Young EFL Learners' Perceptions Toward Robot Assisted Intonation Instruction , International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication, Jun. 2017, Taichung city, Taiwan
  38. Tosh Yamamo(Tosh Yamamoto)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Nurturing the Liberal Arts Education for the Future Global Learners through KU?AU COIL Endeavour , International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2017, Jun. 2017, Taichung city, Taiwan
  39. Pei?Chun Ch(Pei?Chun Chen)、Chun?Lin Lu(Chun?Lin Luo)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh), Diversified Pedagogy for EFL Learners’ Grammar Acquisition Among GTM, CLT, and Flipped Classroom , International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication, Jun. 2017, Taichung city, Taiwan
  40. I?Ting Lin(I?Ting Lin)、Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Ubiquitous English idiom learning via mobile applications , International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2017, Jun. 2017, Taichung city, Taiwan
  41. Yan-An Jou(Yan-An Jou)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Observing Co, teaching Practice of Native and Non-native English Teachers at the EFL Primary School Context in Kinmen: A Pilot Study - the 4th International English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference, Jun. 2017, UK
  42. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Jun Chen Hsieh、I-Ting Lin, Flipping a Writing Classroom to Reduce the Demotivation of EFL Learners , The 34th International Conference of English Teaching and Learning, May. 2017, Taiwan
  43. Feng-lan Ku(Feng-lan Kuo)、Shih-min Ka(Shih-min Kang)、Midori Inab(Midori Inaba)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Cheng-hao H(Cheng-hao Hu)、Meng-hua Li(Meng-hua Li), Impact of Robot Assisted Language Learning on Young EFL Learners’ Intonation Acquisition , The 34th International Conference of English Teaching and Learning, May. 2017, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  44. Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Jie Chi Yan(Jie Chi Yang), Enhancing EFL learners’ intercultural sensitivity through a cross, border writing instruction - ICCE 2016, Nov. 2016, India
  45. Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Yu-Heng Che(Yu-Heng Chen)、Jie Chi Yan(Jie Chi Yang)、Kun Huang C(Kun Huang Chien), Using mobile, based MEILA to enhance EFL learners’ idiomatic competence - TECL 2016 workshop of CollabTech 2016, Sep. 2016, Kanazawa, Japan
  46. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh), Flipping writing classroom via online collaboration: Enhancing critical thinking and academic writing skills of EFL learners in an intercultural context , 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), May. 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
  47. Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Development of EFL learners' writing proficiency and cultural awareness in a flipped intercultural telecollaboration , 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), May. 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
  48. Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Strengthening cross, cultural awareness through intercultural digital storytelling collaboration - . The 3rd English Scholars Beyond Borders (ESBB), May. 2016, Taichung, Taiwan
  49. Jun Chen Hs(Jun Chen Hsieh)、吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Flipping a writing class to enhance writing proficiency and cultural awareness of EFL learners , The 33rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, May. 2016, Changhua, Taiwan
  • Thesis and Books
  1. Exploring the relationships among learning outcomes, learning behaviors, motivation, and anxiety of college students learning English idioms via MALL
  2. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Springer International Handbooks of Education. Second Handbook of English Language Teaching, Springer Nature, Dec. 2019 
  3. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Springer International Handbooks of Education. Second Handbook of English Language Teaching, Creating a Technology-Rich English Language Learning Environment, Springer Nature, Jan. 2019
  4. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu)、陳謝鈞(Jun Scott Chen Hsieh)、楊接期(Jie Chi Yang), Learning, Design, and Technology. An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Personalizing Flipped Instruction to Enhance EFL Learners’ Idiomatic Knowledge and Oral Proficiency, Springer Nature, Jan. 2019
  5. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Learning, Design, and Technology. An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Springer Nature, Jan. 2019
  6. 吳文琪(Wen Chi Wu), Epoch Making in English Language Teaching and Learning, Educational Engineering for CALL and MALL, Crane Publishing Co. Ltd. & ETA-ROC, Jan. 2016

◎ Honors 

  1. 102、103、104、105、106、107、108學年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才
  2. 107年度亞洲大學指導大專生計畫績優獎   
  3. 107年度學院年度特色文章獎
  4. 106年度人文社會學院傑出創新教學法(PBL)競賽優良
  5. 106學年度亞洲大學創意領導中心專題式導向教學法(A-PBL)優良教案
  6. 2016 The 3rd English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference
  7. International Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications